Rubber hoses professional tester notes
The problem of water supply and drainage pipes is a major problem after the installation of water supply and drainage design. Water supply and drainage pipes in the water pipe installation drop, infiltration, leakage has become a major disease of the construction and installation of enterprises. In order to extend the life of the water supply and drainage pipes,
Rubber hoses professional tester must be tested on the plastic water supply pipes. Regarding the test work of water pressure, the following few precautions please give drainage construction workers keep in mind.
Rubber hoses professional tester notes can be divided into five parts for stocktaking.
Rubber hoses professional tester pressure value refers to the pipe end of the lowest point of pressure. But if the pressure at the highest point of the pressure exceeds 1. 0MPa, the pipe should be taken segmented pressure test.
(2) the use of bonded pipes, water pressure test must be carried out after the bonding installation is completed 24h, to prevent the curing time is not enough to disengage the interface.
(3) to the pressure test pipe slowly water, while the air discharge pipe, and gradually plugging the water distribution points.

(4)for a class such as PE-X Tube flexible tubing, excessive pressure is too high will produce micro-expansion, resulting in hydrostatic test error. Therefore, the pressure should be used hand pump slowly Boost, Boost time should not be less than 10min, the regulator 1h, in order to eliminate the interference of pipeline expansion pressure test results.
(5) after the regulator 1h no leakage, and then fill the pressure to a predetermined pressure test pressure value, the pressure drop within 15min does not exceed 0. 05MPa qualified.
Although the use of our
Rubber hoses professional tester plastic pipe is only recently popular in recent years, so his development is still in an immature stage. In simple words, it is in a phase of exploration. When we summarize more methods, the high-rise building water supply and drainage business also have a harvest period.